Pussycat Dolls to split?

By ani
Sunday Aug 30 2:45 PM

London, Aug 30 (ANI): American pop girl group Pussycat Dolls may split soon, it has emerged.

It is believed that jealous rows over the surging popularity of lead singer may be the reason for the split of the 2003-formed group.

Earlier in the year Nicole, was specially mentioned for the group's Slumdog Millionaire single Jai Hoh!, which was dubbed as The Pussycat Dolls featuring Nicole Scherzinger.

Band member Kimberly Wyatt's admission that the group was taking a long break to consider their future has only sparked more speculation of the band's break-up.

The Mirror quoted her as saying: "The girls and I have just finished our huge world tour and are taking a break from the band and doing our own thing.

"We're all concentrating on our own projects and deciding what the future will hold."

The band latest concert was held earlier this month in Beirut, Lebanon.

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