There have been speculations about Salman Khan buying an IPL team post his meeting with Lalit Modi enquiring about the ‘what and how’ of IPL. Lalit Modi has already confirmed that Salman Khan has shown interest in buying a team. We talk to a few eminent personalities to know their take on yet another star entering T20. Is Bollywood’s increasing penetration into IPL diluting the essence of cricket? We find out...
Team 1: Brand Salman will add value to IPL
Commentator Charu Sharma: Cricket is played inside the field. What happens off the pitch is not cricket. We might thrive on it, we might discuss it but it’s not truly cricket. Also, a cricketer is not concerned about what is happening off the field and they are least bothered about which actor or actress is cheering at the stands. All that’s on a cricketer’s mind is the game and his performance. Salman Khan is a megastar; his association will definitely add value to IPL. The only dangerous thing about Bollywood’s and Corporate house’s association with sports is that sometimes the owners of these teams do not know much about the game. Their personal pride takes over their good sense and they start putting unreasonable pressure on the team. But Salman Khan and his family- his father Salim and brothers Arbaaz and Sohail are big cricket fans. Salman is sure to add to the entertainment factor associated with T20. The bulk of the cricket watching audience today comprises those who want racy action on field and plenty of glamour off it.
Cricket Expert Ayaz Memon: T20 Cricket has become a high profile event. Bollywood’s association with it is just natural. Salman Khan is a popular star and has a mass appeal. Additionally, the business model of IPL is so attractive that anyone would love to be a part of it. The decision to increase the number of teams from 8 to 10 will see more people coming in to invest in IPL. Also, buying an IPL team doesn’t restrict to performing at the opening and closing of the tournament. It comes with a lot of responsibility and accountability. And Salman Khan and family are totally obsessed with cricket. About film stars’ association diluting the essence of game, I don’t think it holds true. Film stars don’t play the game. It’s the cricketers whose performance matters irrespective of the star camp they belong to. In fact, the blend of glamour brought in by film stars and cricket makes the tournament all the more interesting
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Charu Sharma
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