Bollywood super star Amitabh Bachchan has announced that he is coming back with 5th edition of super hit TV show Kaun Banega Crorepati on Sony TV. Star of millennium Mr. Amitabh Bachchan. will host KBC series fourth time. Before this he hosted KBC and KBC-2 and KBC-4 .
Sri Amitabh Bachchan told that he has signed for KBC-5 and KBC-6. The shooting of KBC -5 will be start very soon and this mega hit show will be aired on Sony channel from June 2011.
The selection and registration of the contestants has been started very soon. You can registered yourself by BSNL or MTNL mobile or Landline and Idea mobile.
The procedure of participants in KBC-5 – Super Star Amitabh Bachchan will ask one optional question daily on Sony Channel. You have to give right answer of any one question within 24 hrs. If your answer will be right then you will get your registration number. After pass in first round Computerji will shortlist the participant. If you are lucky then computer will select you. So, here you need your luck for pass second round. Approx 14,400 contestant will be selected from first round.
If you selected by Computerji then KBC team will call you on your mobile or telephone. KBC call center executive will take information from you about your name and location etc. CCE will inform you about audition venue and date.
After the process of verification of contestant Computerji will shortlist 1400 candidate again. If you have good luck then you may be selected for audition round. In audition round you will have to pass entrance test which comprises of two rounds viz. Written Test and
Video Audition. After pass the entrance exam you will selected finally for Fastest Finger Round.
In this round you will get entry for real shooting of KBC 4 with Amitabh Bachcan. If you press on right option most fast then you will get chance to seat on Hot Seat with Amitabh Bachchan and you can win Rs, 1 Crore after give right answer of 11 questions. If you give right answer of 12th question then you wil win Rs. 5 Crore.
Below is the registration process. Please send in your answers in the specific format.
"If you are a Idea mobile subscriber, to answer dial:
-- 5545601 If your answer is option A
-- 5545602 If your answer is option B
-- 5545603 If your answer is option C
-- 5545604 If your answer is option D
"If you are a BSNL Landline subscriber, to answer dial:
-- 505252501 If your answer is option A
-- 505252502 If your answer is option B
-- 505252503 If your answer is option C
-- 505252504 If your answer is option D
If you are a BSNL Landline subscriber in Punjab and Rajasthan, to answer dial: 1255501/02/03/04
All other Subscribers can also send there answers by SMS to 5252525
To answer the Question by SMS, go to the 'Create Message' options in your mobile and type 'KBC' your option A, B, C, D your age your gender. For example if your age is '25' then type 2 and 5 'M' if your are Male or 'F' if you are a female and send it to 5252525
Similarly idea mobile subscribers can SMS there answer to 554567 and bsnl mobile subscribes can sms there answers to 52525
Please note that every question is valid till 20:59:59 hrs of the next day. for example for the question asked at 9:00pm today participants need to send in there answers latest by 20:59:59 hrs tomorrow.
SMS Charges:
Upto Rs.5 per sms - 5252525 available on select operators or circles.
Upto Rs.5 per sms - 52525 for bsnl mobile subscribesrs.
Upto Rs.5 per sms - 554567 available only for idea mobile subscribers.
terms and conditions on
Upto Rs.5 per min. - 5545601/02/03/04 available only for idea mobile subscribers
Calls charged at 20sec pulse rate - 5052525 available only for bsnl landline subscribers in select circles.
Calls charged at 20sec pulse rate - 12555 for bsnl landline subscribers in Rajasthan and Punjab only.
terms and conditions on
The line will be start very soon for KBC -5.
Bets of luck.