The actor who always hesitate eye to eye contact with his co-stars has gone bold now. Yes, we are speaking about Tusshar Kapoor. He has shed off his shyness and became bold enough to get cozy with his heroines. The actor has shot some steamy scenes in both of his upcoming films, ‘Shor In the City’ and ‘Dirty Picture’. In SITC, he got steamy with actress Radhika Apte.
Kapoor muses, "The track in question Saibo is from SITC. It is a soft romantic ballad, picturised on a married couple Radhika (Apte) and me. It's a romantic scene between a middle-class husband and wife living in a chawl that leads to lovemaking. I play a reformed gangster and she's a catalyst in reforming me."
In the song, Tusshar unhook Radhika’s blouse and then watching her undressing. "I wasn't embarrassed at all," he says, "I am pro at such scenes now! In fact, my scenes in Dirty Picture are far steamier".
Tusshar and Radhika bonded very well off-screen and everyone on the set speaks about their on-screen chemistry. They are very comfortable in shooting the scene.
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