Amitabh Bachchan goes all funky for KBC 7

A set of snapshots reveals Amitabh Bachchan's all new look for Kaun Banega Crorepati season 7, which airs later this year.

Judging from the photos, the 70 - year-old superstar is clearly a funky mood this time.

Blazers bright colors ranging from red to orange to purple teamed with sunglasses colors to define Big Bâ???? S last dress code for the reality show.

"Images quite strange. Not quite to my liking, but must wait for comment" actor openly published on your social network page.

Big B uploaded a few pictures on Twitter and a few others on his blog recently, after the filming of a new series of promotional material in Mumbai.

"Shoot steadily from 2 pm to 12 pm ... no rest, no lunch, no nothing," he wrote about the filming. Later, at 4 am, updated his blog with images of KBC September 7. Despite its afternoon schedule, found time to go to the airport to say goodbye to his son Abhishek.

Big B makes light of a specific scene that seems to be pulling up his pants.

"! Historic photo was about to lose the pants were a little loose ... lost more weight ... I think â |? Need to get trimmer ... really (sic)", wrote.

Registration for this season of KBC will start on Monday, but there is still time for the show to go on air.

Big B has been very attached to KBC, the show that marked his return as a superstar in 2000. At the end of last season, expressed sadness, in all forms of social media, that the season was ending. He received five seasons of KBC, but 3 and 4, which was organized by Shah Rukh Khan.

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